- ホーム
- 誕生石コレクション(バースディカラーズ)
- 9月誕生石(サファイア)

【サファイア -9月-】
象徴 : 慈愛・誠実
産地 : ミャンマー・スリランカ・タイ
【September -Sapphire-】
Integrity, benevolent love, and virtue
Leads to serenity and draws out hidden powers It is written in the Bible that God caved the Ten Commandments that he gave to Moses on a sapphire. As it cleanses the soul and brings peace of mind, clerics in the Vatican wore sapphires in rings in medieval times. Sapphires are thought to conceal the energy to fill people with integrity and benevolence, and if two lovers each wear one they will find happiness.