Based on 717 reviews

★★★★★ 先日こちらの店舗で指輪を購入させていただきました。対応していただいた方と同じ名字という偶然もあり、とても丁寧な接客をしていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I purchased a ring at this store the other day. Coincidentally, I had the same last name as the person who dealt with me, so I received very courteous customer service.

na shi
★★★★★ とても素敵なお店です。何軒も回って沢山指輪を見たのですが、ビビッとくるものがなく、やっとこちらで巡りあえました。なんといってもお値段もリーズナブルで品物が良いのでとてもおすすめです。写真はサンプルですが、実際の仕上がりはもっとピカピカと聞いていてドキドキしています。店長さんをはじめ皆さん人柄がよく、指輪1つ1つに意味が込められており、運命を感じました。一生大事に使わせていただきます。この度は有難うございました。
(Translated by Google)
It's a very nice shop. I went to many stores and looked at many rings, but nothing really caught my eye, so I finally found one here. Above all, the prices are reasonable and the products are good, so I highly recommend it. The photo is a sample, but I'm excited to hear that the actual finish will be even more shiny. Everyone, including the manager, was very personable, and each ring had a meaning behind it, making me feel like I was destined for it. I will cherish it for the rest of my life. Thank you very much for your time.

jg rodriguez
★★★★★ Suehiro is now my number one jewelry shop! I purchased an engagement ring, and I couldn’t be happier with the craftsmanship and quality—it’s truly exceptional. The price was reasonable, and the service was outstanding. Suehiro will be my go-to jewelry shop for my future family, from accessories to engagement and wedding rings. Thank you for the excellent service and support. I highly recommend Suehiro to anyone looking for high-quality jewelry!

★★★★★ 結婚指輪を購入させて頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
I purchased a wedding ring.
I'm very happy that I was able to purchase the design I wanted at a reasonable price! The customer service was very courteous, and although it wasn't close to my home, I'm glad I was able to purchase from SUEHIRO.
I look forward to working with you again if you have the opportunity.

★★★★★ こちらのお店で婚約指輪を購入させて頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
I purchased an engagement ring from this store.
Since this was my first purchase in my life, I didn't know which was right or which was left, but she carefully explained the gemstones and explained the differences between them.
Also, I learned about the store from the company's advertisement, and it was very helpful for me to be able to provide high-quality jewelry at the lowest possible price.